Occasionally, our clearance windows area has what we refer to as our “boneyard windows”. Despite the name, the majority of the fantastic window deals you’ll find here are brand new windows. A minor measuring mistake, or a change of plans may be the reason these discounted clearance windows have been priced to go fast. If you’re in the planning stages, consider framing with one of these custom window sizes in mind.
Size = refers to the rough size of the window (e.g. a 2040 is roughly 24” wide by 48” tall, a 1630 is 18” wide by 36” tall). Measurements are always Width x Height.
Heal Size = the actual dimension of the frame that would fit into a rough opening. Your rough opening should be at least ¼” bigger (on all 4 sides) then the heal measurement of your window.
Style Descriptions:
O = O-lite, a non opening window
O/VS = O-lite over top of a Vertical slider (sash moves up)
OX or XO = Horizontal Slider – the “X” represents the side of the window that slides (always viewed from the outside)
CR = Casement window that has the hinge of the right (always viewed from the outside)
XO/O – Horizontal slider that opens from the left with O-lite beside it overtop of a o-lite (always viewed from the outside)
CL = Casement window that has the hinge of the left (always viewed from the outside)
OCR = O-lite in combination with Casement (right hinged) (always viewed from the outside)
OCL = O-lite in combination with Casement (left hinged) (always viewed from the outside)
Lami = Laminated glass/safety glass
Temp = Tempered glass/safety glass
LowE = Coating (see Energy Efficiency)
Argon = A gas that is heavier than air, adding to Energy Efficiency
Rebate Windows = Renovation style windows (see Renovation Windows)
Nail-on Windows = windows with a nailing fin (see Nail-On Windows)
Rake = Window that isn’t square or rectangular